A lot of the coal power that is used in Oregon actually comes from Wyoming and Montana. In order to accelerate the transition towards renewables and promote local job growth, the state legislature is currently considering two bills that would forbid imports of coal power. Elizabeth Hardee reports from Oregon.
All posts tagged: Coal
German utilities split over modest coal clamp-down
The German government wants to limit emissions from coal plants that are more than 20 years old. Why the age demarcation? Why not just limit total emissions – or phase out coal entirely? Craig Morris says some clever Realpolitik is behind it. Best of all, it’s working.
Counting carbon from the source
We need to leave carbon in the ground. Yet, carbon emissions are counted at the source of consumption, not the source of extraction. Craig Morris says the different approach would put countries like Scotland, Norway, and Denmark in a much different light.
Don’t call it a coal phaseout!
A paper leaked last week reveals the German government’s plans to clamp down on emissions from coal power. But the plans are not a done deal – the meeting on Thursday, which was originally to be held last Saturday, has been boycotted once again. By Craig Morris.
More coal plants are being cancelled than built
The era of global coal expansion is coming to an end. Since 2010, the number of canceled coal projects across the world outstrips those that are completed at a rate of two to one. Still, too much power continues to be made from coal if mankind wants to achieve the 2 °C global temperature limit, argues Sophie Yeo.
How is Germany integrating and balancing renewable energy today?
With renewables providing 30% of Germany’s electriticy demand, the power market needs to adapt. In the following article, author Eric Martinot provides detailed insight into technical and regulatory changes that allowed the German grid to remain highly reliable.
E.ON split spells trouble for Central and Eastern European energy players
The split of German utility E.ON into a “good” and a “bad” part has worrying implications for the larger utilities in Central and Eastern Europe. Jan Ondrich explains.
Coal needs a phase-out – in Russia (and beyond)
In order to prevent the worst outcomes of global climate change, the world needs to phase out coal. While some countries are taking first steps in this regard, Russia shows considerable little interest in the issue. However, the country may be pushed in this direction nevertheless, as Vladimir Slivyak explains.
Power from fossil fuel drops to 35-year low in Germany
Unofficial energy sector estimates for Germany for 2014 have rolled in over the past few weeks. Craig Morris provides an overview.
How to reform EU power markets: is a capacity market necessary?
The idea of a European capacity market has been occupying people’s minds for quite some time. Jan Ondřich takes a look at the feasibility and design and finds that Europe must solve other – more pressing – energy market issues first.