All posts tagged: energy transition

The funding nightmares of Europe’s climate dreams

The urgency of the global climate crisis is driving Europe’s transition to a renewable energy system. However, the investment gap for adding renewable technologies and for updating its energy networks is gigantic. Seden Anlar stresses the need for new EU funding for climate goals and just transition.

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Strengthening citizens’ participation in the EU’s energy transition – a toolbox

Europe’s switch to renewable energy supply and efficient energy consumption is gaining momentum, not only as a result of the European Green Deal but also in reaction to the fossil fuel price crisis. EU legislation already creates some opportunities for citizens to access affordable renewable energy more directly, as well as to facilitate energy savings through, for example, building renovation. In a new Knowledge Community, Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung European Union and the Green European Foundation (GEF) gather a broad range of experts from EU institutions, local governments, industry, consumer organisations and think tanks to look into these opportunities. The aim is to explore concrete tools and identify their current potential, as well as the remaining gaps that need addressing. Analysis by Taube Van Melkebeke and Jörg Mühlenhoff

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The complexities of the clean energy divide

At the height of power blackouts in South Africa earlier this year households went without electricity for 10 hours a days. The unprecedented spike in outage hours saw the middle class scramble for alternative energy sources to buffer against the failing electricity grid. However, the poorest and the most vulnerable were being left in the dark, writes Ufrieda Ho. Read More

Readers’ survey 2023 – We need your feedback!

The Energy Transition Blog has been published for more than a decade by the Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung, the German Green political foundation. It started as an outlet to explain Germany’s Energy Transition (Energiewende) and it progressively broadened its geographical coverage and thematic scope. 15 contributors from around the world write about different aspects of the green socio-ecological transformation and the efforts to transition to 100% renewables.

We are planning to revamp our Blog to make sure it still provides relevant and useful information to inform debates around energy and climate in the next years.

We thank you in advance for your time in completing this survey!

For any question, do not hesitate to contact us.