All posts tagged: Circular Economy

Making construction sustainable with upcycling

For the global construction industry, concrete is a key component. Even were only renewable energy sources employed for its production, the chemical process emits significant greenhouse gases. Paul Hockenos reports from Prague where the upcycling of waste-site rubble for new buildings cuts demand for concrete – and thus for energy.

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Would a circular economy help us deal with used lithium-Ion batteries?

In contrast to the linear economic model that has existed since industrialization, the concept of the circular economy aims to reduce negative environmental impacts. Amid the growing debate about the compatibility of increasing consumption with the Earth’s finite resources, calls are getting louder for a system that minimizes losses. This concept is of great interest for lithium-ion batteries (LIBs), not least as production of the batteries is expected to increase exponentially, given its key role transforming the mobility sector. To date, there is no established business model showing what to do with LIBs that have reached the end of their useful life. This blog post wants to explore the potential of of circular economy models for lithium-ion batteries, looking in particular at its current use in Germany. Philip Emmerich has the details.

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