Author: Craig Morris

Craig Morris (@PPchef) is co-author of Energy Democracy, the first history of Germany’s Energiewende.

Twinterview with rogue US environmental accounts

On Monday, Feb 6, our Craig Morris held an interview on Twitter (#twinterview) with Alice Stollmeyer, who created the #Twistance list for rogue US accounts from environmental agencies who have been told to stop tweeting for the time being under the current US president. Below are some excerpts from the conversation (also Storified by Alice), which included the rogue Environmental Protection Agency, US National Parks, and, a non-profit for environmental whistleblowers. Craig already has one clear conclusion that freedom fighters elsewhere understood long ago: the anonymity of Twitter, which drove him crazy up to now, can be a benefit for a resistance movement.

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Germany to complete yet another coal plant

The plant could have been abandoned. It may still be. But Uniper, formerly Eon, now says it will put the nearly completed Datteln 4 into operation after getting a final permit. The market for its electricity doesn’t look good, Craig Morris says.

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The end of the Energiewende is back

Yet again, an expert – this time, a German – says Germany’s energy transition cannot succeed. He has a surprising insight for Energiewende proponents: the sun doesn’t always shine and the wind doesn’t always blow. How could we have missed that? Craig Morris takes a look.

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France can’t meet its own power demand

As expected, France was heavily dependent on power imports during the first cold spell of this winter. Yet, most of the country’s reactors are back online. The US is now also investigating 17 reactors with parts from France that could also be defective. Craig Morris has the details.

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