Africa’s cities need transport systems that are low-carbon and improve mobility for the poorest. New systems must avoid dirty, high-congestion transport, writes Leonie Joubert.
All posts tagged: Transportation
As United States looks to coal, China invests in renewable energy
While the Trump administration attempts to prop up fossil fuels, China has implemented policies to support renewable energy. The rapid expansion of solar power and investments in electric transport are pushing China’s energy transition forward, explains E.A. Crunden.
German government rejects calls for additional carbon tax
Despite calls from French President Macron to implement additional carbon taxes, the German coalition government refuses to hold polluters accountable. “We say no to a price on CO2,” say CDU members, once again punting on climate change leadership. L. Michael Buchsbaum goes in-depth.
Europe must choose a green future
A group of experts has published their suggestions for Europe’s energy future in the European Energy Atlas 2018. In this excerpt, European Parliment member Claude Turmes points out that the energy transition will save money and create jobs – if Europe is willing to take action.
Will the Energiewende succeed?
The energy transition not only needs to reduce carbon emissions, but also strengthen communities. The gap between social sciences and natural sciences must be breached. Craig Morris explains why.
Free public transport: best practices worldwide
As Germany mulls over the option of making public transportation free, it’s worth taking a look at towns across the globe that have already done so. Craig Morris investigates.
Free public transportation in Germany?
The German government has proposed making trams and buses in selected cities free in order to reduce pollution. The healthiest thing about the idea is the debate it has created. Craig Morris adds an idea of his own.
Is the UK a better role model than Germany for carbon reduction?
More than Germany, the UK has reduced coal power and carbon emissions in recent years. Should we be talking more about the British model and less about the German one? More specifically, does Germany missing its 2020 carbon target put the country’s 2030 target completely out of reach? By Craig Morris.
Costa Rica drives for a new green goal: electric transport
Greening the transportation sector is crucial, but it often takes a backseat to renewable energy. In Costa Rica, legislators are increasingly pushing better public transit to try and meet Paris Agreement goals, Sebastian Rodriguez reports.
New Germany energy commitments take shape
On Friday, a 28-page text covering the main policy fields cursorily was published after a previous draft had been leaked. For energy policy, the changes are encouraging, but a lot of question marks remain. Craig Morris takes a look.