All posts tagged: Emissions

Nguy Thi Khanh: changing the world for the better

Vietnamese environmental activist Nguy Thi Khanh, director of the Green Innovation and Development Centre Vietnam, was honored with the Goldman Environmental Prize. Lars Blume and Do Minh Tam celebrate her work for Vietnam’s energy transition: fighting against coal plants and advocating for renewable energy.

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Polish coal, Polish smog, Polish chaos

Poland has some of the worst air quality in the European Union, and 2017 was marked by grassroot efforts to fight smog. It seems that the Polish government is slowly getting on board. Michał Olszewski asks: will Poland cut emissions in time, or will 2018 bring fines from the EU?

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The energy transition in Ukraine: mission impossible?

The transition of the energy sector towards clean and safe renewable energy sources will allow Ukraine to build a new strong economy and break out of socio-economic decline, argue Oleh Savytskyi and Oksana Aliieva. It’s time for Ukraine to embrace renewables to combat global climate change, and to enhance security and welfare of its people.

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India’s energy transition: potential and prospects

Touted as the world’s third largest emitter of greenhouse gas, India is steadily on its way to transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy. The targets that the country has set itself are closer to being achieved and even surpassed. Sadia Sohail explains the newest study on India’s energy policy.

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