When the Germans built their nuclear plants, they also built several MW of pumped hydro storage, to gain more flexibility.…
On Can nuclear and renewables coexist?
James, not once did anybody identify aesthetics as a barrier in this article. The barriers identified were well described, but…
On Going green in South East Asia
Study after study has shown that wind and solar-based power is more practical and economical when the generation is integrated…
On The German electricity grid: notoriously swamped?
Let me saddle up my hobby-horse and say again that if electric utilities want to build new high-voltage power lines,…
On The German electricity grid: notoriously swamped?
Renewable power is so cheap now that even the German railway (who has purchased power in advance via RWE) want…
On Polish coal, Polish smog, Polish chaos
Today a new lignite mine was agreed on by the Polish government: https://www.platts.com/latest-news/coal/warsaw/poland-approves-environmental-license-for-new-26926073 Is the 550g CO2/kWh rule not binding…
On Polish coal, Polish smog, Polish chaos
The word "smog" has clearly entered the Polish language. Unusually, we know exactly when and where it entered English. From…
On Polish coal, Polish smog, Polish chaos
The scenario that South Korean and American planners are working on is a complete collapse of the North Korean régime,…
On Will South Korea’s energy transition include nuclear?
One of the ideas being floated (erm sorry!) is turning the areas around the piles into "safe places" for amongst…
On Offshore wind projects breathe life into struggling UK ports
The botched deregulation of electricity in California has left it with a confused and over-complicated system that few understand and…
On Crisis of trust in California