Craig I now spend almost as much time as you do but with nowhere near the audience commenting on the…
On Craig Morris bids this project farewell
5 years after: Hesse runs the first hydrogen train, 4 more are ordered:
On P2G gets going
A big thanks from a quiet admirer, a Dutchman living in France. I probably read 80% of your posts and…
On Craig Morris bids this project farewell
[…] for their support and the content leeway I was always provided, especially Rebecca Bertram (who remembers that the Energiewende…
On The Green Peace Dividend – Why green technologies matter for international security
[…] reliance on power imports. Then, starting in 2012, Germany began preventing power outages in France with exports, becoming the…
On France can’t meet its own power demand
French supervising body demands ultrasonic testing of all weldings in EPR: 2018 will be a long year, no compromises…
On Will 2018 be the year of new nuclear design success?
[…] Source: […]
On A dirty deal: Germans paying billons for coal power that will never be used
Herne and Voerde were no lignite power plants but hard coal power plants. Indeed the 'coal dole' is a scandal.
On A dirty deal: Germans paying billons for coal power that will never be used
Hola desde Mèxico, soy un seguidor de tus artículos, te deseo mucho éxito en tus nuevos proyectos....
On Craig Morris bids this project farewell
Craig, you are off to a place that needs you even more than the blogging world of the energy transition.…
On Craig Morris bids this project farewell