Year: 2015

UK: next renewable energy market to go?

In a recent blog post, Craig Morris talked about how the Spanish and Italian wind and solar markets have recently collapsed. Today, he turns his attention to the UK, where the future also looks bleak. And he says renewable energy campaigners should demand “fair payment” and reject the term “subsidy.”

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A watershed year for climate protection

With the climate summit in Paris and the adoption of the Sustainable Development goals by the United Nations, 2015 is a decisive year for the future of our planet. Klaus Töpfer evaluates what needs to happen to make this a year for humanity to take action on climate change.

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28 billion annually for the Energiewende?

A new study is making the rounds. It puts the price tag for renewable electricity higher than ever before. And it makes the same mistake as other high estimates – no subsequent savings are subtracted from these calculations. What happens if we do that? Craig Morris investigates.

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Switzerland and Denmark: two hubs of power trading

The Swiss and Danish electricity sectors have quite a bit in common. Both are flooded with electricity from all sides. Yet, their power mixes are very different. The Danes have mainly wind and coal; the Swiss, primarily nuclear and hydro. The power lines were mainly built for coal and nuclear. Craig Morris takes a look.

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Earth to Gates: we are good to go

Billionaire Bill Gates claimed this summer that breakthroughs are needed for the energy transition and that funding should be diverted from current technologies towards R&D. Craig Morris wonders what would have become of Microsoft if we had waited for Ultrabooks before buying computers.

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