[…] energy transition law, which was passed by the previous government in 2015. However, it is still lacking a concrete…
On Why France really had to postpone its nuclear reduction
[…] recent post by climate change skeptic Euan Mearns on the infamous duck curve illustrates the problem well. Mearns estimates…
On The duck is safely afloat in California
[…] had ten years of experience already, and renewables were growing far faster than anyone had ever imagined possible. She…
On 2015: Germany’s record wind year
[…] 16% wind, putting solar at around 10% of supply and wind at some 20%. And that won’t work with…
On Does the French nuclear fleet ramp to make space for solar and wind?
The link to the wsj-article isn't working, try this one for laugh: https://www.wsj.com/articles/germanys-green-energy-revoltgermanys-green-energy-revolt-1510848988
On New study: Germans still support the Energiewende
[…] but want the burden spread across more shoulders fairly. At present, energy-intensive industry is largely exempt from certain grid…
On How small German power consumers subsidize industry
Crime can't be insured, it is as simple as that. The Dutch are banning coal power, making it illegal: https://www.fluxenergie.nl/wiebes-wil-centrales-sluiten-door-verbod-op-energie-uit-kolen/…
On Insurance industry must act on the coal sector
Looks like the Germans (once again) are shafting Greece (& other med-basin countries). The last 2 paras are the key:…
On ‘Community’ energy projects in Greece under threat, activists warn
2017 shows at least 3 new records in the atom sector. - The lowest production in Germany since 30 years…
On Germany shuts down next nuclear plant
You won't believe it .... EPR cracked in it's first test run: https://www.hongkongfp.com/2017/12/14/welding-defects-deaerator-chinese-nuclear-plant-long-known-manufacturer-documents-show/ They used coal power to manufacture it…
On Germany shuts down next nuclear plant