[…] I thought. Indeed, I myself had previously noted that the German organizers of COP23 provided oil heating for the…
On What are they talking about at COP23?
Oops correction 7.3kw charger and takes 3 hours to charge was a typo.
On What people don’t understand about electric cars
It is NEVER EVER going to happen unless people are just so ignorant about the cost of charging their vehicles.…
On What people don’t understand about electric cars
Because there is no significant pressure for accelerating the nuclear rundown, France has the luxury of time. Wind farms can…
On French people support energy transition, survey reveals
German Christmas ramping: https://energy-charts.de/power.htm?source=all-sources&week=51&year=2017 Atom power was reduced from 10 GW (0.98) at 18.00 hours on the 23rd of December…
On Why France really had to postpone its nuclear reduction
This survey neglects to penetrate into many contradictions encapsulated within Energiewende advocacy. For instance, only about 2% of the building…
On New study: Germans still support the Energiewende
OT The silent German coal exit: https://www.platts.com/latest-news/coal/london/german-coal-drops-to-37-in-2017-power-mix-as-26860046 referring to (in German language) https://www.bdew.de/presse/presseinformationen/starkes-wachstum-der-erneuerbaren-energien-stein-und-braunkohle-mit-deutlichem-rueckgang/ charts: https://www.bdew.de/media/documents/20171220_PI_Anlage_Zahlen-Fakten.pdf https://www.bdew.de/media/documents/20171220_PI_Anlage_konventionelle-Kraftwerke.pdf
On Silesian coal – a quiet exit
Can the governments be sued for this promotion of coal and promotion of CO2 emissions? Under US law, they *can*,…
On Keeping coal plants open: the Spanish government’s costly intervention in the power market
Rajoy is a psychopath and a fascist. He seems to be owned outright by coal interests. Remember, he's the one…
On Keeping coal plants open: the Spanish government’s costly intervention in the power market
Time to build some more wind and solar!
On Germany shuts down next nuclear plant