[…] But this growth will stagnate over the next few years. The government recently adopted auctions to keep further growth…
On Why auctions? Germany to cut renewables growth in half
OT Groningen gas production to stop within 5 years: http://www.dutchnews.nl/news/archives/2018/01/minister-tells-big-firms-to-stop-using-groningen-gas-by-2020/ Compensation for damages need no hard evidence anymore: https://nltimes.nl/2018/01/23/dutch-gas-giant-nam-ordered-immediately-compensate-home-depreciation-groningen The…
On Germany’s energy consumption in 2017
The current implosion of Bitcoin should give enthusiasts for other applications of blockchain pause. The reason we don't have efficient…
On Can the Brooklyn Microgrid project revolutionise the energy market?
Discrepancy in gas usage reports Whilst Fraunhofer ISE reports for 2017 46TWh gas power for the public grid plus 20-25…
On Germany’s energy consumption in 2017
[…] View Reddit by compileinprogress – View Source […]
On How not to negotiate with the European Union
Two cost-efficient ways to start the smooth transition with lower investement needs 1) Partner up with blablacar.com and set up…
On Costa Rica drives for a new green goal: electric transport
It's remarkable how smooth the global growth curve is, contrasting with the ups and downs in single countries. Professional analysts…
On Analysis: How developing nations are driving record growth in solar power
"The path to a renewable energy society is well gritted" Everything announced by a German CDU government concerning REs should…
On New Germany energy commitments take shape
[…] society. For instance, in a recent report from IASS Potsdam, German society largely supports this transition, and view it as a worthy, beneficial,…
On New study: Germans still support the Energiewende
As I understand the text, they want to hold the auctions in 2019 and 2020. That doesn't necessarily mean that…
On New Germany energy commitments take shape