Very strange indeed. A link to the original data would clarify a lot
On Negative power prices: good or bad?
Yahoo-news from today (in French): referring to (in French):[Bilan%20%C3%A9lectrique%20de%20la%20France%20en%202017%20%3A%20la%20transition%20%C3%A9nerg%C3%A9tique%20est%20enfin%20visible] Quote: " La décrue du nucléaire Avec une production…
On France to close five nuclear reactors?
There is no CCS technology for power stations that has been demonstrated at scale and affordable cost. Pilots have been…
On Katowice: A European coal capital goes green
This entire article is based on faulty math. Every price advantage comparison that is made is the opposite of what…
On Negative power prices: good or bad?
I dot get your numbers to match. average price should be price/amount. but for Denmark (first in list) price for…
On Negative power prices: good or bad?
I have no comment on the relative merits of UK and German energy policy as regards the welfare of the…
On Is the UK a better role model than Germany for carbon reduction?
[…] here to read more from the Energy […]
On Community choice energy drives renewable growth in California
PS Free energy is offered - if available at the exchange: "Wordt energie in de toekomst gratis? Er gebeurt van…
On Negative power prices: good or bad?
After EasyEnergy a second trader (EnergyZero) is now offering household electricity at EEX prices, so negative prices are also available…
On Negative power prices: good or bad?
EdF expects further atom revenue decline for 2016: What explains the 'fuel saving' efforts and the envisaged closures of…
On France to close five nuclear reactors?