This is a very informative discussion about "energy transition " Thanks for sharing
On Going green in South East Asia
The price of CSP electricity has fallen recently in spectacular fashion. The leader is no longer Abengoa, which has just…
On Solar steam powers homes – and new jobs – in South Africa
Actually it was 24TWh from 2016 to 2017 according to the supplied link. Average between 2015 to 2017 was +12,5TWh/a.…
On Germany’s energy consumption in 2017
[…] years, many large conglomerates have split into separate businesses, like Philips, Maersk, ON, RWE, ThyssenKrupp, Hewlett Packard, while large…
On RWE splits into two
It is also worth noting that the next generation nuclear reactors (EPR & AP1000) have been specifically designed to ramp…
On Can nuclear and renewables coexist?
Build more pumped storage. Unlike chemical batteries, pumped storage is a sustainable & economic way to time shift wind &…
On Can nuclear and renewables coexist?
PSPS Correction: 2.7 GW atom power versus 1.3 GW wind power at 20.00 hours CET
On Can nuclear and renewables coexist?
PS Sorry, Entsoe doesn't allow for direct links. Go to and there click onto chart " Actual Generation per…
On Can nuclear and renewables coexist?
Commercial p-2-g (hydrogen) is done in Germany by Windgas, a company founded by Greenpeace. They make a profit and their…
On Can nuclear and renewables coexist?
Factually wrong, Fraunhofer ISE has the "percentage full load" here and the average power prices here and here…
On Can nuclear and renewables coexist?