[…] the smaller (and more distributed) the zones, “the greater the cost of power generation and flexibility options.” Why have…
On The end of the Energiewende is back
[…] panels and its offshore wind farms are subject to weather-related disruptions for long periods. The Energy Transition blog describes…
On The German electricity grid: notoriously swamped?
These maps remind me of the Holy Roman Empire - I hope that that does not become a model for…
On How many new power lines will Germany need?
It is just as well that the transition can be carried out both by authoritarian political systems (China, the Gulf…
On Will the Energiewende succeed?
[…] is predicting that renewables will satisfy its mainland electricity needs by 2040, ultimately eliminating the electricity sector’s greenhouse gas…
On Portugal – Moving to 100% renewables
About the rationality of the atom clowns: http://www.pennenergy.com/articles/pennenergy/2018/04/utility-company-firstenergy-unit-that-runs-power-plants-files-for-bankruptcy.html
On Will the Energiewende succeed?
Portugal's 100% success March 2018: http://www.pennenergy.com/articles/pennenergy/2018/04/renewable-energy-portugal-s-growing-green-energy-production-hits-milestone.html The links to which Pennenergy is referring: https://www.ren.pt/en-GB/media/comunicados/detalhe/consumption_of_electric_power_grows_9_7__in_march/ http://zero.ong/marco-100-renovavel-primeiro-mes-com-consumo-de-eletricidade-assegurado-por-fontes-renovaveis-e-recorde-de-enorme-relevancia/ And Portugal is just starting…
On Will the Energiewende succeed?
https://www.energy-charts.de/exchange.htm In terms of energy (not peak power) looks like France exports more than imports, right? Fraunhofer website is a…
On Is Germany reliant on foreign nuclear power?
There were 400MW of PV added in Germany in the first two month - this looks like a new boom:…
On How many new power lines will Germany need?
Shut down the lignite plants in the North producing excess electricity and start the gas plant in the south: problem…
On The German electricity grid: notoriously swamped?