[…] Puerto Rico disaster opens the door to distributed energy by Ben Paulos, Energy Transition blog […]
On Puerto Rico disaster opens the door to distributed energy
Nearly half of Koreas reactors aren't working, coal took over: http://www.powermag.com/coal-generation-reaches-new-high-in-south-korea/ RE's are the major global power investments: https://www.pv-magazine.com/2018/04/06/solar-outstrips-fossil-fuels-in-2017-leading-record-renewables-investment-report-finds/
On Will 2018 be the year of new nuclear design success?
The latest Russian design (one in Russia seems to be nearly finished) is not making it elsewhere: http://www.kaleva.fi/uutiset/kotimaa/fennovoima-ydinvoimala-saadaan-alulle-kevaalla-2020/789628/ machine translation:…
On Will 2018 be the year of new nuclear design success?
As this article clearly mentioned, several power suppliers would like to replace old coal power plants with new gas power…
On Germany’s energy consumption in 2017
The Indian deal with EDF is considerably less than an order. It's merely a framework agreement (link): "The framework agreement…
On Will 2018 be the year of new nuclear design success?
[…] is predicting that renewables will satisfy its mainland electricity needs by 2040, ultimately eliminating the electricity sector’s greenhouse gas emissions. Although most of last month’s…
On Portugal – Moving to 100% renewables
Or call rosatom, they build pretty much on budged and on time. https://analysis.nuclearenergyinsider.com/russia-completes-worlds-first-gen-iii-reactor-china-start-five-reactors-2017 http://www.rosatom.ru/en/press-centre/news/novovoronezh-npp-russia-s-most-powerful-and-the-world-s-first-generation-iii-reactor-reached-100-pow/ And theirs BN-800 is gen3 too…
On Will 2018 be the year of new nuclear design success?
Here in Eastern Germany, the most likely way for a young adult to die is in a car, on the…
On Will the Energiewende succeed?
The whole thing comes down to money. possible fines of circa Euro100 million per year - ouch. Gov' action so…
On Polish coal, Polish smog, Polish chaos
[…] January, my colleague Ben Paulos published an article here about how community choice aggregation (CCA) is set to boom…
On Community choice energy drives renewable growth in California