One thing never discussed by Sefcovic & co is money. One of the (key?) factors in the rise of the…
On Batteries included: Gigafactories advance German energy transition
In fairness one needs to distinguish between Tory-scum - who currently run a pretend gov' in the UK & the…
On Fears for post-Brexit climate laws as UK green watchdog plans revealed
The Energiewende needs no grid extension, just the opposite. Decentralisation and grid defection are already taking off.
On Renewables overtake coal as Germany’s most important fuel source
As in Britain, onshore wind would be significantly cheaper but is widely blocked by NIMBYism and pro-fossil politicians ready to…
On Offshore wind rising to challenge king coal in Polish energy market
[…] in extreme gevallen. Een extreem geval dat voorstanders van waterstof veel aanhalen is de ‘dunkelflaute‘. Een winterperiode van misschien…
On Germany’s worse-case scenario in the power sector
[…] Hanno spento il nucleare.” Ma la Germania non ha chiuso le miniere, ne sta costruendo di nuove e con sistemi più efficienti. La…
On Germany to complete yet another coal plant
[…] They got rid of their nuclear.” Germany did not get rid of its coal plants. It builds new ones with higher efficiencies.…
On Germany to complete yet another coal plant
Why reprinting articles from the atom clown's magazine " energy post " ? Stop that or search your readers somewhere…
On Energy Community sets stage for clean energy transition in South-East Europe
An Indian village is considered "electrified" for government PR purposes if 10% of the houses in it are. Nor does…
On India strides towards clean energy leadership
Chile, like India, follows the absurd convention that large-scale hydro is nor counted as renewable, which it clearly is. "Renewable"…
On Is an energy revolution underway in Chile?