Despite its huge potential in the region, solar PV has not yet gained traction in Central Asia. In Kazakhstan, two utility-scale PV projects have been realized, and a few are in the pipeline for Uzbekistan as it begins to attract international investors. But many challenges on the policy level have yet to be overcome, as Komila Nabiyeva explains.
Year: 2018
Mixed Mandate: Germany’s new coal commission struggles to balance environment and jobs
Germany’s coal commission has been launched, with the goal of a gradual exit from coal. Politicans have admitted that coal-fired output needs to be halved before 2030 to meet climate targets – but have so far refused to set a date for a complete phaseout. Michael Buchsbaum takes an in-depth look.
South Korea’s move towards renewables
The Moon Jae-in administration’s nuclear phase-out policy has begun to take shape. The Korean Energy Information Agency explains how citizen concerns are addressed.
The next wave of renewable energy?
Marine hydropower could make waves in renewable energy, if it can overcome technological and financial challenges. Chris Bentley takes a look.
Leapfrogging over the gas bridge: how the UK can exit coal and gas
While Germany debates how it should wean itself off of coal, several other European nations have already made the decision to transition in that direction. L. Michael Buchsbaum takes a look at a new report by the World Wildlife Fund and Sandbag, which lays out a path for the UK to exit both coal and gas.
The UK’s offshore wind boom is great for the climate. But what about the fish?
Fishing in some parts of the UK has been getting tougher in the past years – but can wind farms really be blamed? Chris Bentley takes a look at how costal communities are adapting to offshore wind.
The digital energy revolution? Charge it with values!
The transition to renewable energy will require coordinating generation and consumption. However, a digitalized power system has many ethical challanges, as Stefanie Groll explains.
Open the window for fresh air? Not in Korea
South Koreans are more concerned with air pollution than with North Korea’s nuclear weapons – and with good reason. On some days in Seoul, the air is too full of fine particles to go outside. While some blame China, about half of Korean pollution is from diesel cars and coal plants. Yi hyun Kang looks at what can be done.
As United States looks to coal, China invests in renewable energy
While the Trump administration attempts to prop up fossil fuels, China has implemented policies to support renewable energy. The rapid expansion of solar power and investments in electric transport are pushing China’s energy transition forward, explains E.A. Crunden.
The Intergenerational Call
Today we’re sharing something a bit different – a poem by Hazim Azghari, which he performed at COP22. The piece is a dialogue between us today and the children of the future. It illustrates the concept of intergenerational justice and the 1.5 degree climate target, without which the earth will not be liveable.