On Tuesday, the German Wind Energy Association (BWE) published stats on new turbines in 2016. Both onshore and off, wind growth continues to be healthy. And PV was also added roughly in line to keep feed-in tariffs from rising. Craig Morris takes a look.
All posts tagged: Solar
Renewable sector calls for stable energy policy environment
This year, the South African government has the chance to set in place the kind of policy environment that will incubate local manufacturers and encourage foreign investment in the renewable energy sector here. But if the current draft policy is approved, it will create market uncertainty and drive investors away, writes Leonie Joubert.
The emergent solar markets of 2016
Where in the world is solar going? During 2016, prices fell, capacity expanded, and the future of photovoltaics is looking bright. In this article, Tom Kenning takes a look at solar expansion in Latin America, Africa, and Asia.
This article has been republished with permission from PV-Tech.org
Will power prices ever support new nuclear build?
Although some have argued that new nuclear is necessary for the power mix, Jan Ondřich disagrees. He takes a look at the numbers and finds that in the next 30 years, there’s no way that nuclear can compete with a mix of solar, wind, and gas.
French solar roads – silly walks
France’s environmental minister Ségolène Royale is rolling out 1,000 kilometers of a technology that will both be bad solar and bad road. Craig Morris critiques.
India’s solar power set to outshine coal
Solar power in India will be cheaper than imported coal by 2020, but replacing the subcontinent’s fossil fuels with renewable energy is an enormous task. Henner Weithöner explains the potential of a solar takeover.
Trump Election Raises Fear About Clean Energy Progress
The bad news has been rolling in: the Trump administration will encourage fossil fuel production. But can this make economic sense? And could there any possibility for the continued growth of renewables? Ben Paulos investigates.
There are no people backing Florida’s deceptive solar amendment. Only corporations.
Money and misinformation could give Florida utilities a big win in November, Samantha Page warns.
Studied To Death — Solar Customers Don’t Harm Non-Solar Ratepayers
Tony Clifford unravels the myth that solar customers shift costs to non-solar ratepayers. When you look at the data, it turns out that solar customers benefit the grid and create huge savings.
Minnesota leading energy innovation
Minnesota’s 2025 Energy Action Plan is an ambitious attempt to increase renewable energy and strengthen the state’s economy. It could also serve as a model for other states in the region to work on reducing emissions and advancing local solutions.