All posts tagged: Microgrids

Decentralizing Ukraine’s energy future: microgrids as a path to independence

Ukraine’s energy landscape has been profoundly impacted by the ongoing conflict, with extensive damage to infrastructure and a historical reliance on Russian imports for traditional energy sources like coal, gas and nuclear fuel. Rebuilding the centralized, Soviet-era energy system is no longer a viable option. Attempts to restore a fossil fuel or nuclear-based centralized sector are fraught with military risks, slow progress, high costs for the state and lack of appeal for private investors wary of vulnerable, high-risk assets. Razom We Stand reports.

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Celebrating Clean Tech on Indigenous Peoples’ Day

With special knowledge of their regional environments, indigenous people are a substantial resource to build comprehensive solutions to climate change. So on Indigenous Peoples’  Day, instead of celebrating Columbus’ impact on 10,000-year old cultures, Carolyn Fortuna of Cleantechnica looked at ways that indigenous people are taking direct climate action.

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An Alaskan island goes 100% renewable

Kodiak Island in Alaska has traditionally had a lot of hydropower but needed to cover the rest of its demand with expensive and dirty diesel. Now, with the help of wind power and the introduction of different smart-grid measures, the island receives 100% clean energy: Power prices have gone down and the local economy has been revigorated. Laurie Guevara-Stone reports from the sustainability frontier.

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Renewables Power a Rural German Village

Regardless of debate about the success of Germany’s renewables revolution, there is no denying that a small town in the corner of rural eastern Germany, 40 miles south of Berlin, may be one of the best examples of decentralized self-sufficiency. Feldheim (pop. 150), in the cash-strapped state of Brandenburg, was a communist collective farm back when Germany was still divided into East and West. Now it is a model renewable energy village putting into practice Germany’s vision of a renewably powered future, as RMI’s Laurie Guevara-Stone reports.

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