[…] Europe’s heatwave, however, hasn’t just increased air temperatures but also water temperatures. Regulations protecting wildlife mean that the usual…
On How the European power sector copes during the heat wave
Describing Gasunie as a Dutch gas supplier is only part of the story. It is 100% state owned by state…
On Under pressure from Trump, Germany plans to import fracked gas
[…] It may be cheaper for a power plant to pay you to consume more power than ramp up and…
On Negative power prices: good or bad?
[…] office in January 2017. Coal production is still on the decline. Coal-fired power plants are still closing. And Trump’s own…
On America’s coal plants closing despite Trump
[…] office in January 2017. Coal production is still on the decline. Coal-fired power plants are still closing. And Trump’s own…
On America’s coal plants closing despite Trump
[…] office in January 2017. Coal production is still on the decline. Coal-fired power plants are still closing. And Trump’s own…
On America’s coal plants closing despite Trump
[…] office in January 2017. Coal production is still on the decline. Coal-fired power plants are still closing . And Trump’s…
On America’s coal plants closing despite Trump
[…] office in January 2017. Coal production is still on the decline. Coal-fired power plants are still closing. And Trump’s own…
On America’s coal plants closing despite Trump
[…] office in January 2017. Coal production is still on the decline. Coal-fired power plants are still closing. And Trump’s own…
On America’s coal plants closing despite Trump
[…] Europe’s heatwave, however, hasn’t just increased air temperatures but also water temperatures. Regulations protecting wildlife mean that the usual…
On How the European power sector copes during the heat wave