Today CO2 hit the € 21.- mark clearly. And green power certificates follow, making RE more competive. The fosile candle…
On European carbon trading drives up fossil fuel prices
That’s odd, you’re giving very clear arguments why we DO need the new Nord Stream pipeline. Especially since these two…
On European carbon trading drives up fossil fuel prices
[…] China and Germany have created a virtuous cycle by deploying solar and wind and bringing down the costs of…
On How Germany helped bring down the cost of PV
[…] Under pressure from Trump, Germany plans to import fracked gas […]
On Under pressure from Trump, Germany plans to import fracked gas
[…] in the headlines, however, are the true costs of fracked gas production. While burning it generates roughly 50% less…
On Frack Germany? Greens sounds the alarm as the frackers strike back
Agree entirely with Mike Parr. Blockchain is the ultimate solution looking for a problem. Current markets have many defects, from…
On Blockchain and energy: we sifted hype from reality so you don’t have to
It's economically smart to have viable alternative supply routes, so Gazprom & Putin know they should refrain from asking a…
On Under pressure from Trump, Germany plans to import fracked gas
[…] South Africa has also been affected by better energy efficiency strategies that have led to energy consumption remaining steady…
On Germany’s energy consumption in 2017
I'm unsure what it means that your 'relatives never paid € 0.30/kWh'. They paid more... less....? Anyway, my kWh price…
On High German power prices, low monthly bills?
[…] South Africa has also been affected by better energy efficiency strategies that have led to energy consumption remaining steady…
On Germany’s energy consumption in 2017