Member Directory

Silvia Weko is a sociology student writing about attitudes towards climate change, and an expert on the global and German energy transitions.

Max Proaño is a lawyer and social scientist, and currently works as a parliamentary adviser in energy and environmental issues. He has vast experience working in the public sector and civil society organizations.

Chris Bentley is a freelance journalist. You can follow him on Twitter at @Cementley and on his website,

L. Michael Buchsbaum is an energy and mining journalist and industrial photographer based in Germany. Since the mid-1990s, he has covered the social, environmental, economic and political impacts of the transition from fossil fuels towards renewables for dozens of industry magazines, journals, institutions and corporate clients. Born in the U.S., he emigrated to Germany and Europe to better document the Energiewende. He is also the host of The Global Energy Transition Podcast.

Yi hyun Kang is a postdoctoral researcher at Université Saint-Louis – Bruxelles. She has worked as a journalist at Pressian, a Korean online newspaper and is interested in climate change, water and policy change issues.

Komila Nabiyeva is a freelance journalist, reporting on climate change
and energy issues in Eastern Europe and Central Asia. Based in Berlin,
she closely follows and writes about the German Energiewende. Komila has worked as a communications consultant,
moderator and trainer with several organizations, including the UN and
political foundations.

Dr Radostina Primova is the Director of the Climate and Sustainable Development Programme at the Heinrich Böll Foundation office in Brussels. Prior to this, she worked as an EU Affairs Consultant at Hinicio. She also contributed extensively to the evaluation of Intelligent Energy Europe projects supporting sustainable energy communities.