All posts tagged: renewable energies

Egypt could reach 44 GW of solar by 2030 – IRENA

In its report, Renewable Energy Outlook: Egypt, the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) envisages a scenario in which solar becomes the second largest energy source in the country, after gas. If current plans and RE strategies are maintained, however, just 9 GW will be installed by 2030, compared 44 GW. The agency recommends a series of actions to achieve a 2030 renewable energy target of 52%. Emiliano Bellini explains how.

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German solar hits its 2018 targets

While it was once mocked for being about as smart as “farming pineapples in Alaska,” German solar has taken a bite out of traditional energy. With 1.5 million installations nationwide, solar and storage are further impacting traditional generators, says Lee Michael Buchsbaum.

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Latin America sticks to the status quo at COP 24

The 24th Climate Change Conference of Parties (COP24) was meant as a time for countries to review and fix the measures of the Paris Agreement. To have any chance to stay below 1.5 ° C and avoid the worst impacts of climate change, countries must commit to drastic greenhouse gas cuts by 2020. Max Proaño takes a look at goals from Brazil, Mexico, Argentina and Costa Rica.

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Democrats won a clean energy victory in midterm elections

Though the 2018 U.S. Midterm elections didn’t produce a clear victory for the climate, it was far from a defeat. While three of four far-reaching state ballot initiatives didn’t pass, the Democrats will take over leadership of the House of Representatives and several energy progressive candidates also won key governor’s races, L. Michael Buchsbaum takes a closer look.

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