All posts tagged: Paris Agreement

Truth to Power? India’s Renewable Energy Boom

With all of the noise around Trump and the US exit from the Paris Agreement, it’s easy to forget that other countries are taking their climate goals seriously. India has seen a huge solar boom, wind energy has been steadily increasing, and planned coal plants have been cancelled. Frances Beinecke explores India’s energy transition.

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What are they talking about at COP23?

About ten thousand people are attending the 23rd Conference of Parties (COP) on climate change. Didn’t they just decide something in Paris two years ago? Why do they have to keep meeting every year? Craig Morris asks the experts.

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How Trump could undermine the US solar boom

The US solar industry has been booming, employing far more people than coal and helping cut American emissions. But President Trump’s administration could end up slapping tariffs on imported solar cells and panels. Llewelyn Hughes describes how this will affect the industry.

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IEA, EU and China Advance Energy Efficiency

According to the International Energy Agency (IEA), energy efficiency is the one energy resource that every country possesses in abundance and is the quickest and least costly way of addressing energy security, environmental and economic challenges. Stefan Jungcurt elaborates on recent initiatives which have sought to boost energy efficiency.

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“Still in”? American climate policy after Paris

The US government may want to leave the Paris agreement, but an overwhelming number of Americans are continuing to push for state and local action on climate policy. As Trump aims to revitalize the domestic coal industry, it’s crucial to stay focused on what’s possible for renewables and energy efficiency. Silvia Weko takes a look at the US climate resistance.

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