All posts tagged: Norway

Navigating the fertilizer industry towards a greener future?

The biggest fertilizer company in Europe concluded the first ever cross-border deal with a carbon capture joint venture to store CO2 emissions from its biggest production plant in the Netherlands below the seabed in Norway. It is supposed to “demonstrate that Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) is a climate tool for Europe”. Lisa Tostado explains why capturing CO2 in the Netherlands and shipping it to Norway is not a climate solution.

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Europe’s finest: what to learn from the old world’s unsung champions of climate protection

Germany is often cited as Europe’s renewable energy wunderkind, and indeed many of its laurels are well deserved. But it is no means alone on the cutting edge of climate protection, and indeed of late the Teutons have fallen behind in places. Other European countries excel in specific areas, offering best practices for the rest of the continent and beyond. In the final analysis, though, the meta-champion is the EU, says Paul Hockenos.

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Norway’s stunning climate hypocrisy

Norway is often seen as a role model for renewable energy within Europe. However, if one takes a closer look a contradictory reality is emerging: Norway’s economy is largely dependent on gas and oil exports. Paul Hockenos goes in-depth.

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Norway moves ahead with carbon capture and storage

Norway is well known as a leader in producing energy from renewable sources, however its export strategies are based on natural gas. Carbon Capture and Sequestration (CCS) is Norway’s latest idea to “green up” the European gas market despite the threat of long-term consequences. L Michael Buchsbaum takes a look.

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Get ready for the next generation of electric vehicles

Electric vehicles (EVs) are approaching a tipping point, as a wave of new cars are matching the cost and performance of traditional petrol cars. Three breakthrough electric cars, from GM, Tesla, and Nissan, are offering drivers everything they want – but without the pollution. Ben Paulos takes an in-depth look.

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