All posts tagged: Mexico

What are the Implications of the Trans-Pacific Partnership on Latin America’s energy sector?

The trade agreement TPP among twelve Pacific Rim countries contains not only traditional measures to lower or eliminate trade barriers and tariffs between the signatory countries but also provisions on telecommunications, intellectual property rights etc. The energy sector is covered in the trade and investment provisions under “goods and services.” The TPP will have multifaceted implications on the region’s energy sector, Lillian Sol Cueva explains.

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Social acceptance is the invisible barrier for wind power in Mexico

In Mexico, wind power could play a central role in the country’s future power mix. Unfortuantely, the technocratic top-down approach chosen by the country in order to deploy the technology has lowered social acceptance. Juan Mayorga suggests to look to Germany for a different, more democratic model of wind power development that takes local stakeholders seriously and allows local financial participation.

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Can Mexico build a more energy-efficient urban transport through Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) systems?

Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) systems have been widely hailed as innovative solutions for growing urban agglomerations around the world. Lillian Sol Cueva argues that their introduction helped to ameliorate pressing issues of congestion and harmful emissions in Mexico. But for the systems to be truly successful, a holistic approach towards public transportation is necessary.

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The role of Latin America in global emissions

What is holding Latin American countries back from reducing carbon emissions? Sandra Guzman points to the central role that fossil fuels play in key economies of South America. With the discovery of non-conventional sources of fossil fuels in countries like Brazil and Mexico, tackling an energy transition might become even more challenging.

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