In 2015, the average German household power bill fell slightly from 85 euros to 84 euros per month. What’s more, that level is relatively low compared to US averages. But Craig Morris says comparisons are not easy.
All posts tagged: Energy Poverty
Renewable energy in Latin America: What is holding us back?
When it comes to renewable energy development, Latin America is a mixed bag with a lot of potentials. Sandra Guzman provides an overview over what is holding the region back as well as its prospects.
Learning from the cell phone phenomenon
Microgrids based around solar can help developing countries leapfrog into a new energy paradigm – they make clean and cheap electricity available to the poorest, as Laurie Guevara-Stone reports.
Germans face high fossil fuel costs
Germans are increasingly investigating “energy poverty” – and discovering that electricity is a smaller item than motor fuel and heat. The State of Baden-Württemberg, where our Craig Morris lives, recently published an overview for the state.
The Poor are not suffering from Energiewende but from poverty
The Energiewende has recently received a lot of international media attention for its perceived inequity and rising costs to the private consumer. While costs for electricity might be rising in the short term, the overall effects for consumers are much smaller than one would assume reading the reports. Luckily, German civil society is not falling for efforts to discredit the Energiewende, argues Alexander Franke.