"In an average month – for example, June of this year – renewable energy sources represented 81.9% of the installed…
On Brazilian energy under Bolsonaro’s government: Brazil above all?
This is something that should happen, but as you note, the issue is politics.
On European rail transport is part of European climate policy
Today, natural gas is over $4/MM BTU. Coal is around half that. Are people really ready to have their electric…
On America’s coal plants closing despite Trump
I agree with your take on Berlin streets. But please do not personalize the issue. Planning is the problem, administrative…
On Urban mobility: Berlin’s mean streets vs. Copenhagen’s sanity
Where does Max get the number of 53 current nuclear plants in Brazil? The World Nuclear Industry Status Report for…
On Brazilian energy under Bolsonaro’s government: Brazil above all?
I can no longer directly replay to Silvia comment... Well, I thought half of the article was about repositories.. Thank…
On Radioactive waste disposal in four words: “We do not know”
Yes, I totally agree with you regarding the social aspect. Therefore the proper information and public (better to say all…
On Radioactive waste disposal in four words: “We do not know”
Hi, Silvia. Thank you for replay. Nevertheless, I do not fully agree. First, I think you are misusing the terminology.…
On Radioactive waste disposal in four words: “We do not know”
Is the UK still storing its Nuclear Waste in a disused Salt mine which is what I saw they were…
On Radioactive waste disposal in four words: “We do not know”
No, of course this is not how capitalism works - therein lies the problem. But in terms of fairness and…
On Norway’s stunning climate hypocrisy