Author: Kirsten Jenkins

Dr Kirsten Jenkins is a Senior Lecturer in Energy, Environment and Society within the School of Social and Political Sciences at the University of Edinburgh, Scotland. Her research interests centre on energy policy, energy justice, just transitions, fuel poverty, and sustainable energy provision and use. She is Managing Editor of the journal Energy Research & Social Science, deputy Theme Champion for the Energy, People, Policy, and Society theme of the Energy Technology Partnership, and a member of the Scottish Government’s Fuel Poverty Advisory Panel. X: @jenk2021

How Scotland can get its energy for renewables back

Scotland has been a pioneer in renewables, says Kirsten Jenkins. But the easy wins are over and the task of decarbonising Scotland’s economy is becoming steadily more difficult, as the row over net zero targets showed. Nonetheless, the potential to build on its record is clear and the obstacles are not insurmountable.

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