Author: Craig Morris

Craig Morris (@PPchef) is co-author of Energy Democracy, the first history of Germany’s Energiewende.

German nuclear fleet struggles to stay online as wind sets records

Last Friday, an Indian airliner passing over Europe lost radio contact and had to be escorted by fighter jets (it could have been a terrorist attack). As the plane passed over German reactors, some were evacuated just in case. None of them were generating power at the time. Wind power, in contrast, was strong across Europe – and there’s a downside to that, too. Craig Morris explains why.

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The Dutch go district heat

Recently, our American Germany-expert Craig Morris described the Dutch reactions to the upcoming end of domestic gas in the Netherlands. Today, he explains – with help from an Irish researcher based in Denmark – why the Dutch are banking on district heat.

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Germany runs out of Dutch gas

It may be the most underreported story in the German energy sector: a quarter of household gas connections are switching from l-gas to h-gas. Craig Morris explains the implications – technically and geopolitically. And a new chart shows the role that natural gas might play in 2050.

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German renewables sector calls for carbon tax

Last week, the EU announced new plans for its Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS). Climate experts point out that the changes still fall short of the Paris Agreement. German renewables association BEE has therefore proposed a carbon tax, but critics of the plan say it would only weaken the ETS further. Craig Morris takes an in-depth look.

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The Dutch step away from their gas

The Netherlands: home to wind mills, tulips… and one of the world’s ten largest fields of natural gas. But what was once seen as a blessing is increasingly viewed as a thing of the past. Craig Morris asks: is it time to break with the Dutch tradition of “pretty continuation”? 

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Everything you always wanted to know about PV…

… but didn’t know where to ask. Today, Craig Morris presents Fraunhofer ISE’s update of its annual “Recent facts about photovoltaics in Germany.” In addition to German specifics, the review covers a lot of general info about solar power. For instance, how can we spread solar power production across more hours without storage?

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Marginalizing the “strict-father” camp

In two recent posts, Craig Morris shed light on US linguist George Lakoff’s proposal for environmentalists to frame their issues properly. Today, he sums up why framing is too America-centric. He wishes everyone would copy Germany’s Vergangenheitsbewältigung – a faithfulness to the truth in combating alt-facts. And if you ever wondered how feminism benefits men, read on.

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Selling the energy transition based on values

In a recent post, Craig Morris took a critical look at US linguist’s recommendations for “framing” the energy transition better. Today, he sheds light on how he, perhaps unintentionally, followed George Lakoff’s advice nonetheless for years to change perceptions about the Energiewende. It started with this website.

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